quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

Jobs falou ontem pela primeira vez sobre o iPhonegate

Imagem: Engadget
Na conferência D All Things Digital (D8), promovida anualmente pelo The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, Steve Jobs falou abertamente sobre a novela mexicana do iPhonegate, já citada em várias oportunidades no Flanar. Sem confirmar que o protótipo de iPhone que foi cair nas mãos do blog de tecnologia Gizmodo, será de fato a versão final do iPhone de quarta geração, a ser lançada na próxima segunda-feira, ele disse o seguinte.
There’s an ongoing investigation. I can tell you what I do know, though. To make a product you need to test it. You have to carry them outside. One of our employees was carrying one. There’s a debate about whether he left it in a bar, or it was stolen out of his bag. The person who found it tried to sell it, they called Engadget, they called Gizmodo.
The person who took the phone plugged it into his roommates computer. And this guy was trying to destroy evidence… and his roommate called the police. So this is a story that’s amazing — it’s got theft, it’s got buying stolen property, it’s got extortion, I’m sure there’s some sex in there (huge laughs)… the whole thing is very colorful. The DA is looking into it, and to my knowledge they have someone making sure they only see stuff that relates to this case. I don’t know how it will end up.
Parece, que no meio de tudo, além de roubo e extorsão, até sexo estaria envolvido na história.
Tava faltando mesmo só a "saliência".
[Via Cult of Mac ---> ASF@Web Twitter]

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